I haven't talked about this yet because it's a new diagnosis and one I am not super familiar with...but let me just say I am in my own personal hell! My son is the light of my life and makes my world go round...but he is never calm. We can't make one trip in the car without a timeout. We have tears nearly everyday...mine, his, or his sister's. I plan my day around when his medication will wear off...if it ever begins working. I have tried things to wear him out...we have had him in soccer, he was in timeout a lot. I have tried swimming lessons...I think he can splash really well...but swim...not so much. I have tried gymnastics...if I had him in it seven days a week it might help. He just isn't still...ever!

This summer I am having him work through the workbook pages the teacher sent home...it's a contest of wills...can I keep him after the page long enough to get the work done or is it a complete waste of my time and he sits at the table for hours on end...making noise, looking out the window, talking to the dog, making faces, just being loud and not sitting down. My patience is surly being tested and I pray I can hold on till the next break or bedtime.
It pains me to see my child struggling like this...he is constantly working to pay attention...but quickly looses the battle. I need to find some form of training to help teach him how to be in control of his self. The poor child is loosing this battle and I need to find a way to help him...he's only six and this is all so hard for him to understand. He thinks I'm mad at him all the time...I'm not mad...I'm hurt and frustrated and need some way to help him. I didn't want to medicate him...that was going to be my last solution...but I am working with the doctor to get his medication right because that is what she says is best for him....I pray that I am doing the right thing. I will never really know because we have made a decision and we need to move forward.

I am looking into changing his diet to dye free...not just no red dye. No dye period....I know this is a radical idea...but so many studies are showing that dyes that are in our foods are so not good for us. My girl has a red dye allergy it makes her terribly ill but it doesn't change her behavior.

This medication just zonks him during the day but awake all night...he's so wiped out that he takes a nap every time it get quiet for a minute so we switch to another one...that worked just fine two weeks ago...not anymore. He's wound for sound all day now...do I call the doctor back again...the third time in two weeks or do I ride out the samples and hope it gets better. I'm tired and I feel like an awful mom...