I Am So Grateful!!! I am way behind...but that's ok...I have no intention of trying to catch up...so I will just pick up where I am. I am so grateful for all of the wonderful people who have supported me through another year...we have amazing people all over. I have an amazing family mostly in Kansas City and surrounding area but some other places as well. I have friends in all places near and far and I am so grateful to have called home Kansas City,Independence, Leavenworth, Bloomington and Salina...and soon to be Manhattan. I have made some lifelong friends in these places and thankfully Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Pinterest have allowed me the opportunity to keep in contact with most.

This week has been so awesome...I have had celebrations of my birthday all week and I so enjoyed it. I am not one of those people that doesn't enjoy getting older. I do enjoy my age and know that with each year it is a beautiful gift that I have been given. I wish my mom had been given a few more of those gifts.
My title leaves so many questions...I know...
I am reading The Best Yes, By Lysa Terkeurst with my Small Group. It is really an amazing book about choosing to say no when you need to. Giving yourself the space to give God a chance to make things happen in your life. I am so Blessed by my small group...I love these women...they are a wonderful part of my life. If you have never been part of a small group or a women's group you are really missing out. Small groups offer a chance to get to know your fellow church goers at a whole new level. It also allows you to develop some friendships with people you might not have considered before. Go ahead step out there get to know the people around you...they might surprise you. Another thing...if you feel like you are too busy just keep this is mind. I feel like I am on a vacation every week for an hour with my friends. It is awesome and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Here is the book...take a look.
The last thing I want to share is the amazing experience Catie and I had at the Girl Scout annual volunteer luncheon and annual meeting for Kansas Heartland Conference. I wanted her to see how Silver and Gold Award winners were honored. I also wanted her to see how annual business was taken care of. We had the pleasure of meeting the CEO of Girl Scouts Anna Maria Chavez. The first Latina CEO. She was very nice and stopped to talk to all the girls including Catie. She was very kind and happy to take a picture with her. She also gave Catie a very special patch for her vest signifying her meeting her. It was a very nice afternoon. I am very proud of Catie and the way she behaved and I think she was very impressed with the Gold and Silver awards...she was very bored with the annual business meeting however. On the way home I was talking to Catie about what an honor it was to meet Mrs. Chavez. To put it in perspective...the last time a CEO visited Kansas was 1990. In 1990 I was a Girl Scout and I did not meet the CEO. I have a picture here to prove it...I have no idea what I was thinking with this hair style by the way...