How much should we dedicate to this event...we don't do more than mention Pearl Harbor maybe it's written about in the paper and like 9/11 it took us into a war. Sad yes, but probably more appropriate than having our children pour over the tragedy that we all lived. I remind my daughter that her grandfather was on an airplane that morning and I was terrified. I remind my son that my grandfather was a fireman in Kansas City and he lost more than a thousand of his brotherhood that morning and my heart was breaking for him and all of their families. It's my job to make that day more relatable. I remember the week of broadcast from all of the major networks on the event. I remember all of the Christmas lights that winter were red, white, and blue...it was too much. I remember walking around in a deep depression off and on for months. Then there was the unending war...we are still there. We talk about it and I remind them how important it is to remember. My children have no real understanding of that day because they were not even born yet...some of these children in high school were preschoolers and won't remember those events unless you as parents remind them. So take a moment to talk to your children about what this day means to you...they aren't getting much at school.

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