Alex has been having a few set backs with his ADHD. He had a huge growth spurt in the last month and it really pushed him past the range of his last medication. He has been acting out, testing boundaries, and generally pushing his luck. He sometimes tries really hard...but over the last week I could tell that he wasn't even remotely trying at all. Just a free for all. I knew something was different. Something had changes. We had crossed a red line. I didn't know exactly what it was, but I knew something had changed. I called the doctor's office....they said "you have a med check in two weeks." I said " No I need a med check this week" His doctor is out of the country! OMGOSH!!! That will not do! Then and there I made one of the most rash decisions I have ever made about my children's health care I have ever made....I switched him to another pediatrician he had only seen one other time because I need this med check to happen before the two weeks. Thank God Nathan was behind me on this one and Alex really liked the new doctor. We will miss the other doctor...but the new one was really thorough and took plenty of time to listen to all of our concerns.
The next big realization was he has just moved into a whole new class of medications...
One that required not my social security number but his...

And it is considered a controlled substance...so if he runs out before the end of the month...we are just outta luck...oh my gosh...we better measure right every time! It also carries some really strange possible side effects...aside from the usual ADHD medications causing slowed growth. It can cause anxiety, suicidal thoughts, dry mouth, and irregular joint pain. Don't all of those sound like fun. I am really scared to give this to my seven year old son...but I am also really scared to send my seven year old out into the world unprepared to control his self. He's a great kid and so sweet and loving. I don't want to be the mom that denies that anything is wrong until he's too old to be able to develop any kind of self control. I am hoping this medication is just allowing him to grow into that young man. Right now...he really doesn't have that capability at all. I pray he will someday. Until then I will be his advocate.

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