I suck at this sometimes! ADHD is kicking my ass!

A few months ago we noticed Alex's ADHD medication wasn't working like it should be...so we made adjustments. We saw some change but not enough. I talked to his teacher. She was frazzled but willing to work with me. He was quickly loosing ground and not wanting to go to school. The place he previously loved to go. I back peddled and even went to school with him to see if I could see what was going on. I observed him most of the day...and for the most part his teach said he was behaving as normal. That was not good. He was unfocused and disruptive. He wasn't the only student...but he was my student and my only concern. I'll pray that the other kids parents are as concerned as I am. I talked to the lead teacher. She is very supportive and offered great advice...things I had never ever thought to do. She encouraged me to get Alex in some kind of therapy for his
ADHD and seek outside help not try and take care of it all on my own. I shared with her my concerns that Alex might have some autistic tenancies and she gave me some advice on how to proceed with that in a small town in the middle of Kansas that doesn't offer much in the way of diagnostic and treatment.
ADHD and seek outside help not try and take care of it all on my own. I shared with her my concerns that Alex might have some autistic tenancies and she gave me some advice on how to proceed with that in a small town in the middle of Kansas that doesn't offer much in the way of diagnostic and treatment.
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