Catie no longer accepting of change. |
No doubt about it change is hard and every time we have moved the kids have had to change schools. Catie has been in seven schools since we started educating her. She is a pretty easy going kid for the most part and for the first few moves didn't protest too much...the last few moves have been pretty much war in our house. We had to make some pretty big promises to get her to agree to this last move. We are in the process of adding a new dog to our pack...ugh! The pup has her own issues...I won't even get into that right now! We had to promise to buy a house...done...we bought our house...and I love it! I can't wait to share it with all of my family and friends. The last one was we promised to take her back to Illinois to visit her best friend and see some of her favorite places...that got side tracked a little and we had to put it off but we plan to make it happen.
Alex rolls a little easier with our changes. |
Alex was a little easier to convince...he was even pretty easy going about it...he said "mom dad where ever you are that is where home is" a pretty grown up statement from an eight year old. Of course he had just had the hardest school year of his school career yet and was ready to get the heck outta town. He really struggles with school sometimes and could really give or take being in the school setting for the most part. He has asked me to home school him several times...I don't feel like I am cut out to be that kind of mom however, We did get so much accomplished with him and much of it was not at the school request or involvement last year. It was with counseling and hard work. We learned a great deal about Alex in a short period of time and he is an amazing little guy.
Ready to be a Wildcat! |
We have had some great things to start this new school year so far...Catie has made some friends! PRAISE GOD! HALLELUJAH! She got on the bus home and we didn't get a phone call that she was having any form of a panic attach and she made the whole trip home. She even got back on the bus the next day and has done it every day since then...griping about every single bus driver the whole time. Apparently they change drivers for the middle school buses frequently.
Alex has also had some great thing in his first week of school. He loves his new teacher...I have to admit I am quite liking her as well. She sends an email every day telling us what they have done at school and what they should be doing that evening. This is so nice...since my son has a tends to tell me another story entirely every night. He also has one of the neighbor boys in his class and that has made the transition from home to school much easier I think. He seems to be settling in quite well.
The not so good...Both kids have trouble getting up in the morning...one way more than the other...we have way early bed times...my husband thinks it is too early but if these kids go to bed any later I am going to have to drive them across town myself to get them there on time. Alex needs a lot of rest...or I should say a lot of time in his room to unwind or he just doensn't get the rest he needs...Catie would probably be ok if she would just get up when her alarm went off...Mom is not the alarm.
Rusty misses the kids...we tried very hard to get a puppy over the summer some of you will remember the cute pictures of Catie and Alex holding a sweet little pointer mix puppy. Well we never got to bring her home...she had and still has a really stubborn case of giardia a parasite and we couldn't bring her home until she cleared it. After weeks and weeks of waiting we felt that we wanted to talk to some specialist and when we did they told us if we brought her home it could be months of waiting, Rusty could get very sick and we might have to wait for her to grown out of it. We had to back out of the adoption...so we are on the look out for another dog. You will just have to wait and see what we bring home.
A little more skeptical of this whole Wildcat thing! |
So happy to cuddle a Roo! |
I have changed my morning walking routine a little to accommodate two kids waking up in the morning...I try and get up at the same time as Catherine and out the door in time to get back in time to see her get on the bus. Sometimes I am getting back to see the bus drive away and sometimes I see the bus pull into the neighborhood. It really kind of depends on how fast little Rusty legs are moving and how many times he wants to stop and pee on the little things we pass.
Older kids are getting home...just not his kids. |
Rusty is waiting patiently. |
He is getting a little older and a little slower but you couldn't tell for the most part that he is 8 years old. He keeps up with the kids most days and is a busy little pup. He is enjoying the kids being in school a little bit it gives him a change to sleep most of the day away. He gets very excited when he hears the school bus though. He might be little but he thinks he's mighty and his kids love him.
My favorite time of day is when the kids are coming home form school...they tell me about the things they did, the exciting stuff they experienced, and the people they talked to. We are connected and I love to connect to my kids!
A happy boy has arrived. |
She really tried very hard to make the volleyball team. Next year? |
So when it is all said and done...yes my kids have been in 8 and 5 schools each...and yes that is a lot...but they are strong independent individuals that make friends fast and they are resilient. They will go so far in this world. We never ever intended for them to be in this many places by this age but it is what is and we can't change any of it.
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