Thursday, February 9, 2012

so busy

We have been so busy this has been in one door out the other...and only stopping to say "I love you" and exchange kisses every now and then.  I don't really feel neglected...I am part of this equation and equally running out a door.  It's just been so stinking busy.  Yesterday was Nathan's day off and it really didn't feel like a day off I'm sure, but we sure did get a lot done... I am still working on the projects we started yesterday.   I am almost done though.  Silly me though while in the midst of all the running I asked if we could paint the Nathan called the landlord...guess what...we sure can!  They will even pay for the paint....we just have to do the painting.

I am feeling the need for a yoga class or five...I guess I better get off here so I can finish the project that gets me a tv in the basement so I can do yoga in peace and quite in the privacy of my own home!

I still need to plan bible study for tomorrow so I better get a move on! :)

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