Sunday, February 12, 2012

to tell or not to tell???

So silly...I haven't said anything to our pastor yet about us going though the foster care process.  It's a journey and I'm not sure I'm ready to talk to our pastors about it yet.  My husband has other feelings about it.  He feels like our pastor is a pillar in our spiritual life and we should involve them in our life in such an important new process of our life.  It kinda feels too early too me.  Like it's before the pregnancy has we are still trying to conceive.  Maybe I am looking at this all wrong and maybe he had this right from the start.  Maybe we do need to talk to our pastor/s and have them in this process with us.  This is definitely a spirit led process for us.  I need to give this some more thought and prayers and consider why I am withholding information...

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