Monday, March 19, 2012

Smile :)

I believe that we could we could have a much happier world if more people smiled.   Yesterday I was driving and came to a stop next a a rough...and I mean ROUGH man.  He had his crew in the car with him. He had his beats and his classic low rider.  He wasn't smiling...he had a mean mug...if you know what I mean.  We were both waiting for traffic to clear and I could tell he was ready to go.  I was in no hurry so I though I would just let him go.  So when he turned to look to me after the traffic cleared I smiled and went to wave him to go.   To my surprise he broke the prettiest smile I saw all day and waved me though.  It brought tears to my eyes...
People in this town seem to always be in a hurry...they have serious trouble at 4 ways stops knowing who goes first so we often all sit there way too long...but I have been honked at more that one stop light just for not going as soon as the light turns...I know I know I should go right away, but for crying out loud it just changed....keep your panties on!    I do hope that everyone will try and smile more and not be so in a hurry.  Slow will be there when you get there if not you should have left a little earlier.  We live in a fairly small town please enjoy it and don't ruin it for me!

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