"Yeah a Virus...we can't treat the cough I tell the nurse...she's not getting any rest. She's not getting any better." She looks at me funny....I then explain that all cough syrup has red dye and comes in pretty pink, ruby red, or florescent orange. The nurse agreed that Catie needs to rest so she calls over to the pharmacy to find out if there was red dye in script she was going to send over. "Oh good! Finally! Catie is going to get some relief from this cough!"
"Good news no red dye" she says..Catie is good to go and we head out.
The cough is better today but her stomach is hurting and she threw up this morning...so my little girl is home with me today...yeah...I don't like sick days, but at least she isn't coughing as much.
We had to go to the hospital last night because Catie spike a high fever...and had a severe fever. She woke up with a upset stomach and I called the ask a nurse line and they sent us in to the hospital. She made it to the hospital before she got sick. They let us in right away. The doctor ordered x-rays and anti-nausea medication. She also got a big dose of motrin. She started to feel better right away...still just a virus, but it's run amuck in her system and making her life hell. So she needs an antibiotic...guess what those are all red too! Oh crap! We sat there for 25 minutes going back and forth over what she has and has not had...it took for ever...mostly because she is never sick and we never have to use them so we didn't know what she had taken last it had been so long. She is feeling so better today!
We've had luck with Tessalon pearls to help with coughs. Don't know if that's an option for Catie or not.
It's no fun sitting at the pharmacy, going back and forth on various scripts to find one that doesn't have red dye!
Thank you for the advice...we do have a script for those...they have been helpful for the cough. But they were several weeks into the cough that we got them. After trying all the household remedies.
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