Life feels so right right now...but something is still missing!
We have things moving all the right direction...Nathan is doing so right at work and I am doing really well at work. We have been making the effort to get our debt paid off and paying for our purchases with cash instead of credit. Life is moving forward here in Illinois so quickly...we are making great strides. The kids are involved in sports and church and Nathan and I are involved in church as much as we can be,but something is still missing. I feel like life is on hold and we are waiting.
We are waiting for that first call...we are waiting for the end of the year..we are just waiting...and I don't know why. So many thoughts pass though my mind and I pray I am not letting something important pass me by.

The kids are ready for Christmas...I screwed up on Tuesday and told Alex that Santa isn't real :( We were at a event where we were putting bags together for families that weren't going to have Christmas without this help and he was just not being very helpful. I sat him down to explain to him that we needed to do this to make sure that these families got Christmas...he said "but what about Santa Claus?" Next thing I know the words Santa is a Myth popped out of my mouth... My goodness that put our whole life in reverse for a few days...we even had a little bit of a regression in potty training. He really was broken hearted...I really wish I could have taken it back as soon as the words came out of my mouth...but now that I have told him...I feel better...we will see how it goes tomorrow when he actually goes to see Santa and tell him what he would like from Santa for Christmas. He tells me he is going to go and sit on Santa's lap will see.
I did sit down with him this morning and explain to him that daddy and I are Santa to him and that he and Sissy get to be Santa to us forever...and Santa gets to live forever in us. He seemed to like that idea and things turned around.
1 comment:
I love you Sally and family....So happy to see that you blog. Great pictures you have posted!!
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