Resolutions....something I don't do....because if you make a resolution you have to keep it right? I had to explain resolutions to Alex last night for his homework for school. Yes he had homework over the holiday week...strange I know...but whatever. I explained that a resolution was a promise to ones self and a promise is something that we don't break. I try not to make promises...they have a way of getting broken and I don't like breaking promises. So to make a resolution just seemed like a crime. So I am not making a resolution.
Have I ever made resolutions before...sure! I have made the silly ones I'm not going to eat any chocolate this year, I'm going to loose 50 pounds, I'm going to spend less money on clothes and my favorite...I'm going to workout more...none of them seem so out of line except...really I'm not going to keep any of them!
I do not eat as much chocolate as I use to...I have lost a lot of weight this last year, we spend lots less on clothes, and you guessed it...I now work out. I don't know how all that guess that I didn't feel the pressure of having to live up to a resolution.

As we waited for the year to wind down we had a pretty quite evening last night...Alex played with Legos and Catie created a new masterpiece. It was so nice to have my little ones at home safe and sound. Nathan was home by 8:30 and we watched the ball drop on youtube via 2012. I showed them pictures of celebrations from around the world. They went to bed and we watched the ball drop in New York and then we went to bed... aren't we old.
The last thing I want to include is that while still are waiting for the phone call I pray for the safety of my third child. No matter where that child is...I know that God is with them and I pray that God is comforting them. We have not given up hope or changed our minds or even changed our plans...we just are waiting.
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