Sunday, July 8, 2012

scary realization

I came to a scary realization today...scary enough it if caused me to have a migraine.   We haven't heard back from the agency about the background check and it's a wait that is killing me.  Every day that we wait make me wonder are we going to get out license?  As I am voicing this concern to Nathan today, I ask him do we consider going back to the adoption plan if foster care doesn't work out?  He then reminded me that in the state of IL all adoptive parents are licensed foster parents we have to get our license or we are not going to be to be parents to any more children than Alex and Catie.
I wonder is God preparing me for the idea that I am not going to have anymore's alarming!  I want a bigger family and I really want to be the hands and feet of God that reach out and help children in need.   These children in foster care desperately need heart hurts for them.
So then my thoughts turned to the money that Catie just raised in the garage sale...what do we do with that if we don't have foster children?   I am going to leave it up to Catie, but I am going to encourage Catie to donate all of it, either in money or buying & donating something to a local agency.

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