Monday, July 16, 2012

in laws and foster care and adoption

My husband's parents told him last night that they heard on BBC that there were countries in the European Union that had set up locations for children to just be dropped off for adoption because families were struggling so hard over there.
1. Does this change they way we are heading in our adoption/foster care process? no
2. Does this make me wonder if they support our decisions in our process? yes
3. Does this make me wonder if they understand our process? yes

I did some more research...indeed there are some places in Europe you can just drop off a Russia.  You have been able to do that for several years it was set up so people were not dropping there babies into garbage dumps and such.   I reminded my husband that in Kansas and Missouri they made laws several years before we moved for mothers to drop off newborns at fire stations, police stations and hospitals without risk of punishment.   It's to protect the child's life.

What my in laws are referring  to is different and similar at the same time...and so very sad.  The county of Greece has experience such a horrible meltdown that many families are finding the simple truth is they can't afford to feed all of the mouths in the house.   They have started asking the government to take the children into their version of foster care and keep them until the family can be put back together.   So yes families are being split up...but in the temporary least that is the hope.   Many of the families hope to rejoin after the crisis has been finished and everything is restored...but no one knows how long that will take.   The saddest part of all of this is this culture very deeply prides itself on family heritage.  
I pray that our country can avoid this kind of meltdown. 

Lastly I am concerned that my in laws and brother in law are going to be very brokenhearted when we actually bring home one of these broken children...I think the idea of a foster child is scary to them.   I think they are truly worried I don't know what to tell them or how to ease their mind.   We still have a long way to go!

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