Sunday, March 31, 2013

I need answers...I have questions???

What's in these egg?

Red dye? It's driving me crazy right daughter has this known allergy.   She becomes very ill when she consumes red dye.   I have lots of questions about how come more information isn't out there.  I know there is a lot more information out there...  It's all kind of conflicting.
I continue to monitor Catie's intake and keep a close watch on her.  Every once and a while we slip up.   I really look at labels as often as I can to make I can keep her safe.  I also try and limit the amount of red that I let Alex have...I do let him have a few things.  Alex doesn't seem to have any sensitivities to red dye in the allergic sense.  He seems to have these hyperactivity issues these days.     I am taking a long hard look at these dyes and seeing what is causing the over activity in him.  
These dyes have been outlawed in maybe we need to take a long hard look at why we need them so bad here...

I'm trying to cook a lot more at home a lot more sure does taste better.  I have to say though...The boxed foods that are convenient  are addictive.  We picked up some frozen pot pies and they are bad for you(360 Calories in a small one)...I just wanted quick and easy...but the kids loved them...too bad they don't love my pot pie.  My pot pie just doesn't have all the sugar, fat and salt in it.