Friday, May 18, 2012

Nosy home-study questions

I am always a little freaked out by the nosy home-study questions...they just keep coming too.   My friends that have gone though the process assure me that this is normal...or at least I think those were assurances??? It is all so confusing and so bewildering and a little intimidating.  I really feel for the  agent too...she has to ask all the fun why didn't I seek counseling after I was prescribed depression medication before I had Alex or was it after I can't remember now.     And did I just quit taking the medication or did the doctor take me off of it???  Do people just quit taking prescribed medication without consulting their doctor?  That doesn't seem safe?   Then she started asking me questions about Nathan....poor Nate.  I already felt pretty burned so I was quick to pass the phone off...I didn't feel like I could answer his questions properly any way.  I did find that I need two more classes and those need to happen soon.  Those are up in Peoria
We are working on selling my green car to save money to buy a new vehicle.  Nathan is going to get a scooter and ride it back and forth to work in order to save money on gas and insurance.    We will see how this goes.

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