Saturday, March 24, 2012

So thankful today...

So thankful for the things I have...There is a song that plays on the christian station here that says "In the middle of my little mess I forget how big I'm blessed"   Oh how those words ring true for me.  I feel like I am chasing my tail lately.   The laundry is never done...I am ready to burn it....but I am thankful we have cloths.  I need to get that though to my kids...they don't understand.  The house is never clean anymore and it is so important to me that it be clean.  We are so very, very blessed to have a place to live and when I start to feel better again I can worry about my house being spotless everyday.  Until then things will have to slide a little.  I have a cell phone that ALWAYS has one or two missed calls.  I can't remember to change the ringer to ring but I am very thankful to have a phone so I can call my loved ones when I feel blue or homesick.  The thing I am most thankful and hate today is the migraine medicine however.   It is turning my world upside down and I am so upset and pissed but ultimately thankful for the medication.   It is causing me to be a tad slow in thought process and it is REALLY irritating to say the least.  I feel some days like I am less in control of my life than I ever have been.  The upside is the migraines are getting better.  I am having them far less often and they are less painful and I can still function with one when I do have one.  So I am thankful for this medication.

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