Thursday, August 2, 2012

Hate being repremanded by other parents!!!!

Was at the good old "Golden Arches" today for a play date...much needed time out for mommy!   My kids were playing pretty well today and to there credit they weren't fighting with each other for once.   My son came running up to me and told me that he was having trouble getting into one of the pieces of equipment because there were two children in it being mean.   So I told him to go find his sister to ask her for help.   She was sitting right in front of me and I said..."hey can you go help your brother out?"   My thought being take care of your little brother.   I want her to get in the habit of watching out for him...they are both going to be at school together this year...I was expected to take care of my little brother and he took care of me.
A few minutes later this big guy comes over and puts these two kids in front of me and asks me why I sent my daughter to disciple his kids and was that the way I wanted to handle that situation?
I was blown away!  I hate confrontation...I use to thrive on it...anymore it just upsets me and makes me sick to my stomach.   He said he overheard my conversation with my son and didn't approve of the way I handled it.   Really???  You don't approve???   Too bad mister! I have kids and you have kids and I get raise mine the way I want and you get raise yours the way you want.

As he was walking away I asked him if he had preferred if I had climbed up in the playland and sorted out the nonsense for the kids...or let them work it out themselves.  He didn't respond.  I followed up by telling him that I try and let my kids deal with their own disagreements themselves.

I don't get involved...because really their boss is not going to appreciate it if I call and try and straighten out a misunderstanding or disagreement...their girlfriend in high school or college isn't going to want to talk to me when they have a fight.   They boy friend isn't going to take a break up from me very well...although it might be easier on my child that isn't the best thing for them.   Life is full of times when we have to deal with things that are hard and we have to deal with it our self.

Yes I had Catie help him!!!   But if I had a boyfriend that was bugging me that I didn't know what to do...I wouldn't go to my dad....I would have called my a heart beat...that's what brother's are for.   IT was a teaching moment for my children and do I feel guilty???  Nope!   AM I upset???  You betcha!   I was talking to a good friend who I don't see often enough and I like and respect her.
My husband and I are in the process of becoming foster parents and want to adopt.   Lastly my parenting ability was called into question.

I stand by my decision...but dang it....why did that dad have to be reality the kids didn't have any problems...Catie said the boys said they weren't coming out so they went into the other plane and Alex was fine with that.   Two minutes later he was back down on the floor running around like a racer....his kids didn't even get bumped from their spot...he was just being a butt!

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