Saturday, January 7, 2012

I've been praying

It's a hard road, but one I think we are ready to get on board with.  I am still scared and still not in love with the idea of being a foster parent, but if that's what it takes to make my family whole I am willing.  Mostly I am just so darn scared...I'm sure this is a common fear.  The best thing I can keep doing is keep asking God for help though this adventure.  I am starting to believe that if we are meant to go down this road there must be a child we need to help...or several.  It will be good for all of us. 

It has been a positive thing for sure in my parenting for me.  I am making progress in my discipline and anger control...I think it has confused Alex a little.  He is acting a little rottener than usual because I am not as loud to start out with.  I will keep working and it will be good.

I will keep praying and it will be awesome!

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