Thursday, January 12, 2012


These stupid headaches...they seem to take over so much of my life when I have one.  I have so much trouble functioning when I have a headache.  It's like someone has taken my head and replaced it with a bowling ball that has a tic.  It's awful and kind of I guess I can understand why Nathan asked if I'm getting depressed again.  This headache has had me in my room when the kids aren't home the entire time under a blanket with the lights out the shades drawn and the tv and phones off.  It's kinda how I feel when I'm depressed...accept when I'm depressed it doesn't go away in 5 hours to 3days.  It was so good for a couple of weeks.  I only had one mild headache and then they started all over again.  I'm thinking about getting my eyes examined again to see if my prescription has changed again.  This is just ridiculous!   I don't know how people live with constant migraines...

On  the bright side the two shots the doctor gave me today have taken the edge off the one I have right now...

I need to make a few phone calls regarding the foster care today and would like to be coherent.  I don't think that me not making any sense will be very well received.  Nathan and I sat down and looked at when we will be able to take the pride classes for learning how to foster parents. 

WE have received such positive feedback for being foster makes my heart swell.  I am so excited.  This is still scary but I am really feeling like this is going to be a great big adventure for us.  Nathan is so into the idea he is making it so easy to be excited!    Everyday it feel more and more right! 

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